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Our Unique Approach!

Our Unique Approach…

in this site, we focus on the parables of Jesus. So, we put together an easy way to provide unique, simple, yet POWERFUL, method that can help ANY one to lead a great journey through the Parables of Jesus Christ. we have packaged it and called it “Parables Decoded”.  we invite you to take a sample tour of our Parables Decoded and see how you and your church can benefit from it.  you will soon discover that these parables are mean for anyone to understand and reteach. after all, we learned from the Master Himself. when Jesus spoke, everyone understood Him. It didn’t really matter of age status, education, wealth, when Jesus spoke everyone understood Him. Our approach was copied from Jesus and try to make it as easy as He made it to be.  many people find the Bible so hard to understand because of the age we live in or culture we grew up in.  but we strongly believe that the Bible is just as powerful as it was from the first day it was inspired.  what changed?  we have changed.

you can simply give hand outs and watch video… and that’s our out of the box approach.

but we recommend that you go the extra mile and study our Parables and you teach it yourself with your unique approach.

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